In my years as statue doc I have repaired many statues of the Hergé comic character TinTin. Most of these statues were made by the statue maker Leblon-Delienne.

The statues of TinTin can be found in all shapes and sizes and are often also the most enjoyable projects to work on because the statues are of high quality and are smooth to the touch.

The TinTin statues of Leblon also keep their value and also rise a lot in value after the years pass. Because these statues are often made of fragile matterials there are also quite a few collectors that had some bad luck and broke one of their statues. Sometimes the damage looks to be so bad that it is unfixable.

If this happened to you, you are at the right address! Please do not throw away your statue, because more often than you think the statue is still repairable.

Before restoration

After restoration

Damage to your TinTin statue?

As you can see above, I have had many different broken TinTin statues by Leblon. All of the statues you see above have been returned to their owners after a thorough restauration and repaint. It is also a reassuring thought that your statues will keep their original value.


So did this also happen to you and would you like to restore your TinTin statue to their original glory? Don’t hesitate to contact me

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